N.A. Nazarbayev. Look into the future: modernizing the public consciousness
The list of 685 sacred sites of Kazakhstan was approved. Last visited April 9, 2020
List of nationwide sacred sites of Kazakhstan
State program "Madeni Mura" - "Cultural heritage"
Kazakhstan: Properties inscribed on the World Heritage List
UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Kazakhstan
Website of the World Leaders and Traditional Religions Congress
An interactive map of Orthodox parishes on the official website of the Russian Orthodox Church
Official website of the Metropolitan District in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Catholic Church in Republic of Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan)
Wikipedia article about Catholicism in Kazakhstan
Official website of the Catholic Church in Kazakhstan
Wikipedia article on Protestant communities in Kazakhstan
Website of the Union of Churches of the ECB in Kazakhstan
Website of the Missionary Center "Grace-Rakym-Grace"
Website of the ‘Word of Life’ Evangelical Church
Wikipedia page on Judaism in Kazakhstan
Chabad Lubavich website in Kazakhstan
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