This web-platform was created as an open source for consolidating various research teams, local history societies, and other users into one large team. With the help of modern software, this atlas offers spatial visualization of the religious and sacred landscape of modern Kazakhstan
The Atlas was created by a group of Nazarbayev University employees working in close collaboration with the Research Center ‘Sacred Kazakhstan’ and the National Geographic Society of Kazakhstan. The project was implemented thanks to financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Kazakhstan (project AP05135824, “Investment Potential of Sacred Geography of Kazakhstan: space monitoring, IT-technologies and historical-cultural analysis in creation of the electronic atlas of the Republic,” 2018-2020).
To create this atlas, developers organized a number of field studies, and carried out intensive work with satellite maps, open GIS systems, databases, museum collections, directories of sacred places, state archives, libraries and websites of religious communities and other sources of information. This collected data is linked to the map, and can be used as a tool for visualization of the sacred landscape of Kazakhstan in both diachronic and synchronous modes by using its filters. An important function of this atlas is that any user can be involved in work and enter information on any sacred object. We invite all who are interested to contribute to the development of this resource.